The institution prepares a General Annual Planner which incorporates the available working days week-wise and month-wise (showing the public holidays as well) as per the almanac prescribed by the affiliating university.
This is a Government Degree College running with the financial assistance of Government of Andhra Pradesh and under the control of the Commissioner of Collegiate Education. All the financial assistance towards infrastructure, equipment etc., shall be provided by the Government of Andhra Pradesh and UGC also.
Normally the identification of needs shall be done during the meetings of the College Planning & Development Council (CPDC), or of the Staff Council.
Depending on the needs of required infrastructure facilities like class rooms, laboratories, equipment, toilets, hostel etc., the Head of the Institution (HOI) of this college will submit suitable proposals to the Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
The Commissioner of Collegiate Education (CCE), Hyderabad in turn will allocate required amounts from the budget sanctioned by the Government of Andhra Pradesh depending on the prioritized, need based requirements of various colleges under his/her control.
All the civil and electrical works will be executed by the Department of Roads and Buildings (R & B), Government of Andhra Pradesh only.
If there is any specific need for augmentation of any infrastructure facility or procurement of required equipment, the HOI may be permitted to utilize the accumulated special fee funds only after getting proper sanction orders from the Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Hyderabad.
As and when the University Grants Commission (UGC) allocates and releases any funds during five year plan periods for civil works, they will also be executed by the Department of Roads and Building, Government of Andhra Pradesh only.
All the equipment related to Information Communication Technology i.e. computers, LCD projectors, UPSs and technological gadgets etc., will be purchased through Andhra Pradesh Technology Services (APTS), Hyderabad only.
Any utilization of State Government Funds/Accumulated Special Fee Funds/UGC Funds will be initiated only after getting proper administrative sanction from the Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad only.