To ensure that the students develop hands on technical skills which will be of great help in facing the world of work and the students beconre work-ready graduate, intemship is mandatory for all UG prograrnrnes for l0 months -
1st Internship (Community Service Project) after the end of 2nd semester for 8 weeks
2nd Internship (Internship/ Apprenticeship/ On the Job Training) after the end of 4th semester for 8 weeks
3rd Internship (Internship/ Apprenticeship/ On the Job Training) during 5th or 6th semester for 6 months
Community Service Project
Community Service Project is an experiential learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction, participation, learning and community development. It involves students in community development and service activities and applies the experience to personal and academic development. It is meant to link the community with the college for mutual benefit. The community will be benefited with the focused contribution of the college students for the village/ local development. The college finds an opportunity to develop social sensibility and responsibility among students and also emerge as a socially responsible institution.
To make the students employable, an Apprenticeship / Internship / On the job
training / In-house Project / Off-site Project shall be undertaken by the students in the intervening summer vacation between the 2nd and 3rd years.
Learning outcomes
Explore career alternatives prior to graduation.
Integrate theory and practice.
Assess interests and abilities in their field of study.
Learn to appreciate work and its function towards future .
Develop work habits and attitudes necessary for job success.
Develop communication, interpersonal and other critical skills in the future job.
Build a record of work experience.
Acquire employment contacts leading directly to a full-time job following
graduation from college.
Acquire additional skills required for world of work.
During the entire 5th /6th Semester, the student shall undergo Apprenticeship /
Internship / On the Job Training. This is to ensure that the students develop hands on technical skills which will be of great help in facing the world of work
Learning outcomes
Explore career alternatives prior to graduation.
Integrate theory and practice.
Assess interests and abilities in their field of study.
Learn to appreciate work and its function towards future .
Develop work habits and attitudes necessary for job success.
Develop communication, interpersonal and other critical skills in the future job.
Build a record of work experience.
Acquire employment contacts leading directly to a full-time job following
graduation from college.
Acquire additional skills required for world of work.