S.NO | Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department | Name of journal | Year of Publication | ISBN / ISSN number | DOI Link |
1 | Some Results on F- Prime and F Semiprime ideals in Semigroups | Dr A. Gangadhara Rao | Mathematics | Stochastic Modeling &Apllications | Dec, 2021 | ISSN : 0972-3641 | https://www.mukpublication.com/si-2022.php |
2 | Fuzzy Regualr Partial Ordered Ternary Semigroups | Dr A. Gangadhara Rao | Mathematics | International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research | May, 2022 | ISSN : 2277-7881 | http://ijmer.in.doi./2022/11.05.123 |
3 | Fuzzy Simple, FuzzyIdentity and Fuzzy Zero of a PO –Ternary Gamma Semigroups | Dr A. Gangadhara Rao | Mathematics | International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management | June, 2022 | ISSN : 2581-5792 | https://www.ijresm.com |
4 | Socio-economic impact of COVID-19 pandamic in Asian and Pacific | Dr. K. Bhaskar Rao | Economics | Revival of Agriculture And Rural Development | 2022 | ISBN-978-93-92257-26-2 | |
5 | Impact of COVID-19 pandamic on migration labour and economic growth | Dr. K. Bhaskar Rao | Economics | Growth rate Stratagies to Review Indian Agriculture and Economy: Post COVID-19 | 2022 | ISBN-978-93-5607-863-5 | |
6 | Modern Trends in English Language Teaching | G.Srinivasulu | English | Research Journal of English | 2021 | 2456-2696, Volume-6, Special Issue-1 | www.rjoe.org.in |
7 | Mobile-Assisted Language Learning(MALL) - Its Effectiveness in ELT in Covid - 19 Scenerio | K. Samuel | English | Research Journal of English | 2021 | 2456-2696, Volume-6, Special Issue-1 | www.rjoe.org.in |
S.NO | Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department | Name of journal | Year of Publication | ISBN / ISSN number | DOI Link |
1 | Unsupervised linear contact distributions segmentation algorithm for land cover high resolution panchromatic images. | A.V. Kavitha, Dr. A.Srikrishna and Dr. Ch. Satyanarayana |
Computer Science | Multimedial Tools and Applications (Web of science - SCI indexed Springer publications) | 2020 | ISSN 1380-7501 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-018-6693-y |
2 | Crop image classification using spherical contact distributions from remote sensing images. | A.V. Kavitha, Dr. A.Srikrishna and Dr. Ch. Satyanarayana |
Computer Science | Jounal of King soudh University – Computer and Information sciences (Web of science - ESCI indexed and Scopus indexed) | 2020 | ISSN 1319-1578 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jksuci.2019.02.008 |
3 | Influence of silver ion concentration on dielectric characteristics of Li2O-Nb2O5-P2O5 glasses | Dr V. Prasad | Physics | Journal of Alloys and Compounds (SCI Indexed) | 2019 | ISSN: 0925-8388 773(2019) 654-665 |
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.09.161 |
Scopus Indexed Papers
S.NO | Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department | Name of journal | Year of Publication | ISBN / ISSN number | DOI Link |
1 | Classification of Land cover from Remote sensing images using Morphological Linear contact distributions and Rough Sets. | A.V. Kavitha, Dr. A.Srikrishna and Dr. Ch. Satyanarayana |
Computer Science | International journal of Recent technology and Engineering (Scopus indexed) | 2020 | ISSN: 2277-3878 | https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.B2822.098319 |
2 | An Efficient Network Intrusion Detection System Using Prospective Backward Oracle Matching Algorithms: An Architectural Approach | G. Raviteja | Computer Science | International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications (Scopus Indexed) | 2020 | ISSN 2150-7988 | Click Here |
3 | Dielectric dispersion, dipolar relaxation and a.c. conduction phenomena of Nio doped lead bismuth silicate glass system | Dr V. Prasad | Physics | Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (Scopus Indexed) | 2018 | ISSN 0022-3093 500(2018) 460-467 |
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2018.09.002 |
Research Publications in the Journals for the Last Five Years (2015 to 2020)
S.NO | Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department of the teacher | Name of journal | Year of Publication | ISSN number |
1 | Impact of Eco DR.N.THYAGARAJU nomic Reforms on G DR.N.THYAGARAJU ST In India-An Analysis(W DR.N.THYAGARAJU ith reference to Manuacturers,Distibutors and Retailers) IMPACT FACTOR - 5.956 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | The International Journal Global Journal for Research Analysis |
2020 | ISSN:2277-8160 Vol.9,Issue-1, Pp-50-52. |
2 | "Role of Information Technology and Its Impact on Banking Sector In Globalisation Environment" IMPACT FACTOR - 5.956 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | Indian Journal of Applied Research (IJAR) |
2020 | ISSN:2249-555X, Vol.10,Issue-5, Pp-1-3. |
3 | "Developmental Programmes & Its Impact on Economic status of Scheduled/ Scheduled Tribe Community in India" IMPACT FACTOR - 7.081 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS) |
2020 | ISSN:2249-2496 , Vol.10,Issue-5, Pp-81-93. |
4 | Need for Substainable Devolopment of Non-Timber Forest Products(NTFP) IMPACT FACTOR - 6.304 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review(IJBARR)No.51, Easwar Enclave Off, Bannaraghatta Road, Basavannapura, Bangalore, Karnataka Pp-1-3 |
2020 | ISSN.2347-856X ISSN-2348-0653 Vol.6,Issue-2, |
2020 | ISSN: 2456-4702 |
2020 | ISSN: 2456-4702 |
7 | Classification of Land cover from Remote sensing images using Morphological Linear contact distributions and Rough Sets. | A.V. Kavitha, Dr. A.Srikrishna and Dr. Ch. Satyanarayana |
Computer Science | International journal of Recent technology and Engineering (Scopus indexed) | 2020 | ISSN: 2277-3878, |
8 | Unsupervised linear contact distributions segmentation algorithm for land cover high resolution panchromatic images. | A.V. Kavitha, Dr. A.Srikrishna and Dr. Ch. Satyanarayana |
Computer Science | Multimedial Tools and Applications (Web of science - SCI indexed Springer publications) | 2020 | ISSN 1380-7501 |
9 | Crop image classification using spherical contact distributions from remote sensing images. | A.V. Kavitha, Dr. A.Srikrishna and Dr. Ch. Satyanarayana |
Computer Science | Jounal of King soudh University – Computer and Information sciences (Web of science - ESCI indexed and Scopus indexed) | 2020 | ISSN 1319-1578 |
10 | Quality Assurance in Higher Education Through Quality Teaching. | Dr. G.Mallikarjun | Economics | Research Journal of English | 2020 | ISSN: 24562696 |
11 | An Efficient Network Intrusion Detection System Using Prospective Backward Oracle Matching Algorithms: An Architectural Approach | G. Raviteja | Computer Science | International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications | 2020 | ISSN 2150-7988 |
12 | Special Economic Zones(SEZ) In India-Problems and Prospects-An Overview IMPACT FACTOR - 6.939 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJSR) |
2019 | ISSN.2249-2496 Vol.9,Issue-1(1) Pp-499-505. |
13 | Tourism Marketing TIMPACT FACTOR – 5.494 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) |
2019 | ISSN.2319-7064 Vol.8,Issue-12 Pp-2323-2328 |
14 | Non-farm sector-An Instrument for Sustainable Rural Devolopment of India IMPACT FACTOR - 4.729 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS) |
2019 | ISSN.2249-2496 Vol.9,Issue-3 (2) Pp-830-842. |
15 | Women Entrepreneur ship Devolopment Practices in India-An Empirical Study IMPACT FACTOR - 5.494 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review(IJBARR)No.51, Easwar Enclave Off, Bannaraghatta Road, Basavannapura, Bangalore, Karnataka |
2019 | ISSN.2347-836X Vol.6,Issue-2, Pp-1-5 |
16 | Progress of Tourism Industry in Andhra Pradesh-A Study IMPACT FACTOR - 5.494 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review(IJBARR)No.51, Easwar Enclave Off, Bannaraghatta Road, Basavannapura, Bangalore, Karnataka |
2019 | ISSN.2347-836X Vol.6,Issue-3, Pp-95-103 |
17 | Eradication & Poverty Alleviation Programmes for Schedule Castes / Schedule Tribe Community in India-An Analysis IMPACT FACTOR - DR.N.THYAGARAJU 5.711 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Scientific Research (IJSR) |
2019 | ISSN.2277-8179 Vol.8,Issue-12, Pp-11-14 |
18 | Remote sensing Colour Image Classification with Rough sets | A.V. Kavitha, Dr. A.Srikrishna and Dr. Ch. Satyanarayana |
Computer Science | Journal of Applied Science and Computations (JASC) | 2019 | ISSN: 1076-5131 |
19 | Influence of silver ion concentration on dielectric characteristics of Li2O-Nb2O5-P2O5 glasses | Dr V. Prasad | Physics | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | 2019 | ISSN: 0925-8388 773(2019) 654-665 |
20 | Influence of cobalt ions on dielectric features and a.c. conductivity of lead bismuth silicate glasses | Dr V. Prasad | Physics | Physica B: Condensed Matter | 2019 | ISSN: 0921-4526566(2019) 136-145 |
21 | An Analysis of the Internet of Things Security From Data Perception" | G. Raviteja | Computer Science | International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering | 2019 | |
22 | An Analysis of Providing Security for Cloud-Based IoT Applications: A Prototypical Approach | G. Raviteja | Computer Science | International Journal of Research of Electronics and Computer Engineering | 2019 | |
23 | Human Resources Devolopment (HRD)Practices in India | DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Recent Scientific Research ( IJRSR) |
2018 | ISN:0976-3031 Vol.8,Issue-12, Pp-22474—22477 |
24 | Special Economic Zones(SEZ) In India-Problems and Prospects-An Overview IMPACT FACTOR - 6.939 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS) |
2018 | ISSN:2249-7382 Vol.8,Issue-1, Pp-370-379. |
25 | Tourism Marketing TIMPACT FACTOR – 5.494 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Business and Administration Research,Review(IJBARR) No.51, Easwar Enclave Off,Bannaraghatta Road, Basavannapura, Bangalore, Karnataka |
2018 | ISSN.2347-836X Vol.3,Issue-21, Pp. 24-26 |
26 | Non-farm sector-An Instrument for Sustainable Rural Devolopment of India IMPACT FACTOR - 4.729 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review (IJBARR) No.51, Easwar Enclave Off,Bannaraghatta Road, Basavannapura, Bangalore, Karnataka |
2018 | ISSN.2347-836X Vol.3,Issue-21, Pp-36—41 |
27 | Emerging Strategies and Challenges of Industrial Relations in a Globalisational Indian Scenario |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review(IJBARR) No.51, Easwar Enclave Off Bannaraghatta Road, Basavannapura, Bangalore, Karnataka |
2018 | ISSN.2347-836X Vol.3,Issue-22, Pp-108-118 |
28 | Hospitality Marketing Services of Star Hotels in Hyderabad-With Reference of Marketing Mix Components of “Product Mix” IMPACT FACTOR - 7.081 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS) |
2018 | ISSN: 2249-7382 Vol.8,Issue-4, Pp-66-72. |
29 | Women Entrepreneurship Development Practices in India-A Review IMPACT FACTOR - 4.547 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Research Journal of Mangement and Commerce |
2018 | ISSN: 2348-9766 Vol.5,Issue-4, Pp-459-464. |
30 | Human Resources Devolopment (HRD)Practices in India | DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Scientific Journal (IJSR) |
2018 | ISSN.2277-8179 Vol.7,Issue-10, Pp-378--380 |
33 | An efficient texture feature extraction algorithm for high resolution land cover remote sensing image classification. | A.V. Kavitha, Dr. A.Srikrishna and Dr. Ch. Satyanarayana |
Computer Science | International journal of image, graphics and signal processing (IJIGSP) | 2018 | ISSN: 2074-9082 |
34 | Dielectric dispersion, dipolar relaxation and a.c. conduction phenomena of Nio doped lead bismuth silicate glass system | Dr V. Prasad | Physics | Journal of Non crystalline solids | 2018 | ISSN 0022-3093 500(2018) 460-467 |
35 | An Analytical Approach To Enhance The Intrusion Detection In Internet Of Things Network | G. Raviteja | Computer Science | International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology | 2018 | e-ISSN:2278-621X |
36 | Future Issues and Emerging Challenges of Tourism Industry in India | DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | The International Journal for Research and Devolopment in Environmental Education |
2017 | Vol.6,Issue 1, Pp-112-121 |
37 | “Customer Satisfaction” on Hospitality Services of Star Hotels in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh ( A Comparative Study of 3 Star &5 Star Hotels) IMPACT FACTOR - 7.081 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Research in Social Sciences |
2017 | ISSN:2249-2496 Vol.7,Issue-4, Pp-368-386. |
38 | Promoting The Quality of Higher Education in India Through Research & Devolopment IMPACT FACTOR - 7.081 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Research in Social Sciences |
2017 | ISSN:2249-2496 Vol.7,Issue-4, Pp-204-211. |
39 | Emerging Strategies and Challenges of Industrial Relations in a Globalisational Indian Scenario |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | COMMERCE International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS) |
2017 | ISSN:2249-7382 Vol.7,Issue-6, Pp-240—247. |
40 | Hospitality Marketing Services of Star Hotels in Hyderabad-With Reference of Marketing Mix Components of “Product Mix” IMPACT FACTOR - 7.081 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Recent Scientific Research ( IJRSR) |
2017 | ISN:0976-3031 Vol.8,Issue-8, Pp-19009—19014. |
41 | Women Entrepreneurship Development Practices in India-A Review IMPACT FACTOR - 4.547 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | Global Journal for Research Analysis |
2017 | ISSN:2249-7382 Vol.6,Issue-9, Pp-173-175.. |
42 | IOT for agriculture and allied areas | A.V. Kavitha | Computer Science | International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology | 2017 | ISSN: 2394-3777 |
43 | Analysis of Various Intrusion Detection Systems with a Model for Improving Snort Performance | G. Raviteja | Computer Science | Indian Journal of Science and Technology | 2017 | ISSN: 0974-5645 |
44 | Need for Environmental Education for Sustainable Devolopment IMPACT FACTOR - 3.029 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | IJMSRR International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, No.51, Easwar Enclave Off, Bannaraghatta Road ,Basavannapura, Bangalore, Karnataka |
2016 | E- ISSN - 2349-6746 ISSN -2349-6738 Vol.1, Issue.1,. Pp.284-286. |
45 | "Prospects and emerging challenges of tourism industry in India RJIF- IMPACT FACTOR - 5.72 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | " International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development(IJMRD) |
2016 | E- ISSN - 2349-4182, Print ISSN -2349-5979, Vol.3, Issue.4,. Pp..172-176 |
46 | Water Pollution and Its Impact on Environment of Society SJIP- IMPACT FACTOR - 3.552 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Research Journal of Management,IT AND Sciences (IRJMIS)No.5,Sector,Dwaraka,NewDelhi-110075,India, USA,California, South University(CSU),Irvine,California,USA. |
2016 | ISSN:2395-7492 Vol.3, Issue.5,. Pp..1-9. |
47 | Impact of Information Technology(IT) On the Banking Sector SJIF IMPACT FACTOR-2015--5.971 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Current Advanced Research (IJCAR) |
2016 | ISSN -2319-6505 Vol.5, Issue.7,. Pp.1106-1111 |
48 | A Study on Attitude of Teachers on punishment of Middle school Students IMPACT FACTOR - 3.853 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review(IJBARR),No.51, Easwar Enclave Off,Bannaraghatta Road, Basavannapura, Bangalore, Karnataka |
2016 | E- ISSN -2347-856X ISSN -2348-0653 Vol.1, Issue.15, Pp-162--164 |
49 | New challenges of Retail Banking Practices In India SJIF- IMPACT FACTOR - 2015-5.971 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Recent Scientific Research (IJRSR) | 2016 | ISSN -0976-3031 Vol.7, Issue.8,. Pp.12947-12951 |
50 | Growth and Devolopment of Sugar Industry In India(With Reference to Co-operative Sugar Mills in AP) SJIF- IMPACT FACTOR - 2015-5.971 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Recent Scientific Research (IJRSR) |
2016 | ISSN -0976-3031 Vol.7, Issue.9. Pp. |
51 | Need of Information Technology (IT) In Indian Banking Sector Scenerio IMPACT FACTOR - 6.559 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Marketing and Technology |
2016 | ISSN:2249-1058 Vol.6,Issue 12, Pp-1-11 |
52 | A Comparative Study of “Customer Satisfaction” on Hospitality Services of Star Hotels in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh IMPACT FACTOR - 7.081 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Research in Social Sciences | 2016 | ISSN:2249-2496 Vol.6,Issue 12, Pp-90-106 |
53 | Roots of Youth Violence | A.V. Kavitha | Computer Science | International journal of Education for 21st century . Vol 3, spl issue No 1, | 2016 | ISSN : 2349-5774 |
54 | Application of ICT in chemistry | A.V. Kavitha | Computer Science | nternational journal of multi disciplinary educational research (IJMER) Vol 6, issue 12(8) | 2016 | ISSN 2277-7881 |
55 | Human Rights Education in India | Dr. G.Mallikarjun | Economics | International Journal of Academic Research | 2016 | ISSN: 23487666 |
56 | Prospects of Iindustrial Estates programmes in india IMPACT FACTOR - 3.072 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review (IJBARR), No.51, Easwar Enclave Off, Bannaraghatta Road ,Basavannapura, Bangalore, |
2015 | E-ISSN:2347-856X, ISSN-2348-0653, Vol-2,Issue-10, Pp-19 To 23 |
57 | “Role of “National Bank for Agriculture &Rural Devolopment(NABARD) for promoting Agricultural financing in India | COMMERCE | International Journal of Psychology And Education (IJPE), Westwind Publishing House ,Mumbai, Maharashtra June,2015 ISSN: 2321—8606, |
2015 | ISSN: 2321—8606, Vol-2, Issue-10, Pp- 17 To 23. |
58 | Industrial Estates programmes in Andhra Pradesh—An analysis IMPACT FACTOR - 3.029 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | IJMSRR International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review,No.51, Easwar Enclave Off, Basavannapura,Bangalore, Karnataka |
2015 | E- ISSN - 2349-6746 ISSN -2349-6738 Vol.1, Issue.12,. PP.103—107. |
59 | A study on impact of Micro Finance on Rural Devolopment IMPACT FACTOR - 3.029 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | IJMSRR International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review,No.51, Easwar Enclave Off ,,Basavannapura, Bangalore, Karnataka |
2015 | E- ISSN - 2349-6746 ISSN -2349-6738 Vol.1, Issue.13,.Pp- 171-174 |
60 | Globalization and its impact on Small Scale sector in India IMPACT FACTOR - 2.262 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review,( IJMDRR), No.51, Easwar Enclave Off, Bannaraghatta Road, Basavannapura, Bangalore, Karnataka |
2015 | E- ISSN –2395-1885 ISSN -2395-1877 PP-29-33 |
61 | “Women entrepreneurship devolopment” in India - problems and prospects IMPACT FACTOR - 3.072 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review(IJBARR), IJBARR ,No.51, Easwar Enclave Off,Bannaraghatta Road , Basavannapura, Bangalore, Karnataka ISSN -2348-0653 |
2015 | ISSN -2347-856X ISSN -2348-0653 Vol.1, Issue.13, Pp-237--241 |
62 | Impact of micro finance on rural devolopment through Self-Help Groups IMPACT FACTOR - 3.029 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | IJMSRR International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, No.51, Easwar Enclave Off, Bannaraghatta Road ,Basavannapura, Bangalore, Karnataka |
2015 | E- ISSN - 2349-6746 ISSN -2349-6738 Vol.1, Issue.13,. Page 236-239. |
63 | “Micro finance — a curtain raiser to strengthen Rural india” | DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Psychology And Education(IJPE) Westwind Publishing House,Mumbai, Maharashtra | 2015 | ISSN: 2321—8606, Vol-1, Issue-8, Pp-62 To 66 |
64 | Effectiveness of Training & Devolopment at “ Infogeosoft”(India) Private Limited, Hyderabad-A Study IMPACT FACTOR -3.072 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review(IJBARR) No.51, Easwar Enclave Off Bannaraghatta Road ,Basavannapura, Bangalore, Karnataka |
2015 | E- ISSN -2347-856X ISSN -2348-0653 Vol.3, Issue.11, Pp-196-200 |
65 | “Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme(MGNREGS) in India”-An overview. IMPACT FACTOR - 3.029 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | IJMSRR International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, No.51, Easwar Enclave Off ,Bannaraghatta Road , Basavannapura,Bangalore, Karnataka |
2015 | E- ISSN - 2349-6746 ISSN -2349-6738 Vol.1,Issue.16,. Pp.136-139. |
66 | Human Resource Devolopment Practices in India IMPACT FACTOR - 3.072 |
DR.N.THYAGARAJU | COMMERCE | International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review(IJBARR), IJBARR No.51, Easwar Enclave Off, Bannaraghatta Road , Basavannapura, Bangalore, Karnataka |
2015 | E- ISSN -2347-856X ISSN -2348-0653 Vol.2, Issue.12, Pp-30--33 |
67 | Comparison of edge detection techniques for brain MRI images | A.V. Kavitha | Computer Science | International Journal of Computer Science, Information Technology & Security | 2015 | ISSN: 2249-9555 |
68 | Sustainable Environment through Renewable Energy | Dr. G.Mallikarjun | Economics | International Journal of Multidisciplinary Advanced Research Trends | 2015 | ISSN: 2349-7408 |
Conferences papers
Sl. No. | Name of the teacher | Title of the book/chapters published | Title of the paper | Title of the proceedings of the conference | Name of the conference | National / International | Year of Publishing | ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding | Affiliating Institute at the time of publication | Name of the publisher |
1 | DR. N.THYAGARAJU | Emerging Challenges of Women Entreprenuership Devolopment In India | Emerging Trends Challenges of Economic Reforms in India (ETCERI-2019) | Emerging Trends Challenges of Economic Reforms in India (ETCERI-2019) | NATIONAL( Sponsored by UGC,New Delhi ) | 2020 | ISBN:978-93-83729-30-2 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | SUCHARITHA PUBLICATIONS, VISAKHAPATNAM, Andhra Pradesh |
2 | Dr.G.Mallikarjun | Doubling Farmer’s Income Through Modernizing Agriculture. | Book on Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Development in India. | 2020 | 9.78819E+12 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | ||||
3 | DR. N.THYAGARAJU | Impact of Economic Sector Reforms on Human Resources Management &Organisational Transformation in Indian Banks of India | Impact of Economic Sector Reforms on Human Resources Management &Organisational Transformation in Indian Banks of India | Impact of Economic Sector Reforms on Human Resources Management &Organisational Transformation in Indian Banks of India | NATIONAL( Sponsored by UGC,New Delhi ) | 2019 | ISBN:978-1-79472-447-1 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | DCBA Publishing house, ongole, AP. |
4 | Dr.G.Mallikarjun | Scheduled Caste Welfare Programmes in India for Upliftment. | Book on “An Impact of Developmental Programmes for Social Transformation of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes” BookNo.3. | 2019 | 9.78935E+12 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | ||||
5 | Dr.G.Mallikarjun | Significance of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar’s Ideas with Present Era. | Book on Relevance of Ambedkarism for Social Transformation in Contemporary India | 2019 | 9.78939E+12 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | ||||
6 | G. Raviteja | An Efficient Intrusion Detection System for IoT Network Using Pattern Matching Algorithms | International Conference on Computer, Communication and Power Engineering | International Conference on Computer, Communication and Power Engineering | International Conference | 2019 | Pondicherry University, Pondicherry | Sastra University |
7 | G. Raviteja | The Design & Evaluation of Efficient Intrusion Detection Framework for Hybrid Network | International Conference on Computer, Communication and Power Engineering | International Conference on Computer, Communication and Power Engineering | International Conference | 2019 | Pondicherry University, Pondicherry | Sastra University |
8 | Dr.G.Mallikarjun | Effects of GST on Indian Economy | Seminar Proceedings on Problems & Prospects of GST | 2018 | 9.78939E+12 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | ||||
9 | DR. N.THYAGARAJU | Promotional role of Government for Economic &Societal Devolopment of Schedule Castes in India | Impact of Socio-Economic Devolopment Schemes of Scheduled Tribes In India | Impact of Socio-Economic Devolopment Schemes of Scheduled Tribes In India | NATIONAL( Sponsored by UGC,New Delhi ) | 2017 | ISBN:978-93-85132-19-3 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | Vaagdevi Publishers, Hyderabad, Telangana State. |
10 | DR. N.THYAGARAJU | Role of Government in Promoting the Devolopment of Schedule Castes in Indian Context | Impact of Socio-Economic Devolopment Schemes of Scheduled Tribes In India | Impact of Socio-Economic Devolopment Schemes of Scheduled Tribes In India | NATIONAL( Sponsored by UGC,New Delhi ) | 2017 | ISBN:978-93-85132-19-3 |
11 | DR. N.THYAGARAJU | Emerging Challenges of Tourism Industry in India | Emerging Trends In Tourism & Hospitality Industry | Emerging Trends In Tourism & Hospitality Industry | NATIONAL( Sponsored by UGC,New Delhi ) | 2017 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | Department of Tourism & Hospitality Management, Acharya Nagarjuna University, AP (SEMINAR PROCEEDINGS |
12 | DR. N.THYAGARAJU | Impact of Water Pollution on Environment Of Society | Environment,Urbanisation and BIO-rESOURCES mANAGEMENT(NS-EUBRM) | Environment,Urbanisation and BIO-rESOURCES mANAGEMENT(NS-EUBRM) | NATIONAL( Sponsored by UGC,New Delhi ) | 2017 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | Department of Environmental Sciences, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, AP (SEMINAR PROCEEDINGS) |
13 | DR. N.THYAGARAJU | Special Economic Zones(SEZ) In India-Problems And Prospectus---An Overview | Special Economic Zones-A Boon or Bane to Economy | Special Economic Zones-A Boon or Bane to Economy | N | 2017 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | SVSSC GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE, SULLURPER, SPSR NELLORE DIST, AP (SEMINAR PROCEEDINGS) |
14 | DR. N.THYAGARAJU | Eradication &Poverty Alleviation Programmes for SC/ST Community in India-An Analysis | An Impact of Devolopmental Programmes for Social Transformation of Scheduled Castes &Scheduled Tribes | An Impact of Devolopmental Programmes for Social Transformation of Scheduled Castes &Scheduled Tribes | NATIONAL( Sponsored by ICSSR,New Delhi ) | 2017 | ISBN:978-93-5391-991-7 |
15 | Dr.G.Mallikarjun | Quality Education through Information and Communication Technology | Seminar Proceedings Book on Improving the Quality of Education by Effective Use of Information and Communication Technology | 2017 | 9.78939E+12 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | ||||
16 | A.V. Kavitha | Agriculture with IOT innovation | Proceedings on Zero hunger challenges for hunger free India | National (UGC sponsered) | 2017 | ISBN: 978-93-85132-14-8 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | |||
17 | G. Raviteja | An Analysis of Various Snort Based Techniques to Detect and Prevent Intrusions in Networks Proposal with Code Refactoring Snort Tool in Kali Linux Environment | IEEE International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies | IEEE International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies | International IEEE Conference | 2017 | ISBN: 978-1-5090-5297-4 | Pondicherry University, Pondicherry | IEEE Explore Compliant |
18 | G. Raviteja | Prospective Backward Oracle Matching Algorithm for Network Intrusion Detection System | IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends In Electronics Information Communication Technology | IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends In Electronics Information Communication Technology | International IEEE Conference | 2017 | ISBN: 978-1-5090-3704-9 | Pondicherry University, Pondicherry | IEEE Explore Compliant |
20 | DR. N.THYAGARAJU | “Non-Farm Sector –Sustainable Rural Devolopment of India” | Human Resource Devolopment; EMERGING CHALLENGES OF RURAL AREAS | Impact of Pharnmaceutical and Personal Care Products on Environment and Sustainability of Environment | NATIONAL( Sponsored by UGC,New Delhi ) | 2016 | - | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | Department of Rural Devolopment, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar, GUNTUR (Dt) (SEMINAR PROCEEDINGS) |
21 | DR. N.THYAGARAJU | Environment & Ecomonic Devolopment of Society | Impact of Pharnmaceutical and Personal Care Products on Environment and Sustainability of Environment | Impact of Pharnmaceutical and Personal Care Products on Environment and Sustainability of Environment | NATIONAL( Sponsored by UGC,New Delhi ) | 2016 | ISSN: 2455-0213(P); 2321-4503(o) |
22 | DR. N.THYAGARAJU | DR.B.R.Ambedkar’s Thoughts on Indian Economy”(Dr.Ambedkar | Dr.B.R.Ambedkar and the making of Modern INDIA | Dr.B.R.Ambedkar and the making of Modern INDIA | NATIONAL( Sponsored by UGC,New Delhi ) ”(Dr.Ambedkar Foundation,Government of India,Ministry of SocialJustice&Empowerment, New Delhi) | 2016 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | (Dr.Ambedkar Foundation ,Acharya Nagarjuna University, DR.Ambedkar Chair,Nagarjuna Nagar,GUNTUR (Dt) (SEMINAR PROCEEDINGS) |
23 | DR. N.THYAGARAJU | “Impact of Information Technology on Banking Sector In Globalisation Scenario” | Innovative Trends & Global Advancements In Technology, Industry, Banking & Finance | Innovative Trends & Global Advancements In Technology, Industry, Banking & Finance | NATIONAL( Sponsored by UGC,New Delhi ) | 2016 | ISSN:978-1-5376-3806-5 |
24 | DR. N.THYAGARAJU | “Role of Information Technology in Banking Sector ” | Innovative Trends & Global Advancements In Technology, Industry, Banking & Finance | Innovative Trends & Global Advancements In Technology, Industry, Banking & Finance | NATIONAL( Sponsored by UGC,New Delhi ) | 2016 | ISSN:978-1-5376-3806-5 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | PND Publishers, Vijayawada, Krishna Dist, AP. |
25 | Dr.G.Mallikarjun | Human Trafficking and Its factors | Book on Human Trafficking in Asian Countries: Dynamics and Dimensions, Research India Press | 2016 | 9.78931E+12 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | ||||
26 | Dr.G.Mallikarjun | Role of Eco Tourism in Sustainable Development. | Book on Travel & Tourism Challenges and Opportunity for Economic Development, Published by Paramount Publications. | 2016 | 7.89385E+11 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | ||||
27 | Dr.G.Mallikarjun | Contamination of Groundwater – Its Causes and Remedies | Book on Low Level of Ground Water- Cause, Effect & Control. | 2016 | 9.78939E+12 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | ||||
28 | A.V. Kavitha | Waves of IOT in higher education | International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) vol 3, issue 12 | International conference on "Digital India-The information for all" | International conference (UGC sponsored) | 2016 | ISSN: 2349-2763 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | AM Publications, INDIA. | |
29 | A.V. Kavitha | Efficient use of ICT for quality in science education | Book on Improving the quality of education by effective use of information and communication technology Improving the quality of education by effective use of information and communication technology | National (UGC sponsered) | 2016 | ISBN: 978-93-85132-12-4 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | |||
30 | A.V. Kavitha | Hormone therapy for breast cancer | Bulletin of Pharmaceutical and medical sciences | Impact of pharmaceuticals and personal care products on environment and sustainability of environment | National (UGC sponsered) | 2016 | ISSN: 2455-0213 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | ||
31 | A.V. Kavitha | Jeeva Nadulu | Application of geospatial technologies in interlinking of rivers | 2016 | ISBN: 978-93-85132-10-0 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | Vaagdhevi publishers, Hyderabad | |||
32 | A.V. Kavitha | Online learning Scenario of future education class rooms of the future | Book on Interplay of education psychology & technology | Interplay of education psychology & technology | National (UGC sponsered) | 2016 | ISBN 978-93-851-08-13-6 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | Jayaram Publications, Hyderabad | |
33 | DR. N.THYAGARAJU | “Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Generated Scheme(MGNREGS) IN India-An over view” | Impact of MGNREGS ON Rural Devolopment | Impact of MGNREGS ON Rural Devolopment | NATIONAL(” ( Sponsored by UGC,New Delhi ) | 2015 | --------- | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH | Department of Economics ,Government Degree &PG College, Nagari,Chittoor Dist. (SEMINAR PROCEEDINGS) |
34 | DR. N.THYAGARAJU | “Emerging Trends & Challenges of Talent Management Practices in India” | HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: EXPLORING NEW DIMENSIONS | HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: EXPLORING NEW DIMENSIONS | NATIONAL( Sponsored by UGC,New Delhi ) | 2015 | ISSN:978-93-85100-54-3 |
35 | Dr.G.Mallikarjun | Sustainable Environment through Renewable Energy | International Journal of Multidisciplinary Advanced Research Trends | 2015 | 2349-7408 | SRI ABR GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE, REPALLE, GUNTUR DIST,ANDHRA PRADESH |
B. Satheesh Kumar, K. Madhukar Rao, K. Madhusudhan, M. Krishna Reddy, MSK Prasad, ISOLATION AND EVALUATION OF ANTIFERTILITY ACTIVITY OF TOTAL ALKALOIDS FROM LEAVES OF AEGLE MARMELOS IN MALE ALBINO RATS (RATTUS NORVEGICUS), International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology, 2011, Vol. 2 Issue 3 : 178-183.
B. Satheesh Kumar, J. Sathyanarayana, M. Krishna Reddy, M.S.K. Prasad, EVALUATION OF HEPATOPROTECTIVE ACTIVITY OF AQUEOUS EXTRACT FROM LEAVES OF SOLANUM AMERICANUM, International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences, 2011, Vol. 1 Issue 2 : 150-154
B. SATHEESH KUMAR, J. SATHYANARAYANA, M. ESTARI, M. KRISHNA REDDY AND M.S.K. PRASAD, Effect of alkaloids of Achyranthes aspera Linn. On fertility in male albino rats (Rattus norvegicus), The Asian Journal Of Animal Science, 2010, vol. 5 issue 2: 126-130.
B. SATHEESH KUMAR, M. KRISHNA REDDY, M. S. K. PRASAD, A.V. N. APPA RAO, Evaluation of antiprogestin activity of a progesterone analog 14 β-hydroxy progesterone in albino rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus), Asian Journal of Bio Science, 2009, Vol. 4 Issue 2 : 162-165.
Madhukar Rao Kudle, B.Satheesh Kumar, M.S.K Prasad, ISOLATION AND PURIFECATION OF RIBOFLAVIN BINDING PROTEIN FROM EAGLE EGG-YOLK (AQUILA HASTATE), International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology, 2012, Vol. 3 Issue 1 : 351-354.
Madhkar Rao Kudle, Satheesh Kumar Boddu, Prasad MSK, PURIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF RIBOFLAVIN BINDING PROTEIN FROM THE EGG WHITE OF EAGLE (AQUILA HASTATE), International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2012, Vol. 3 Issue 2 : 494-496.
K. Madhukar Rao, B. Satheesh Kumar, Bindhu Rajan and MSK Prasad, ISOLATION AND PURIFICATION OF RIBOFLAVIN BINDING PROTIEN FROM COOT EGG-YOLK (Fulica atra), International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences, 2011, Vol. 2 Issue 1 : 121-125.
Name : Dr. T. John Kiran Babu
Designation : Lecturer in Telugu,
Sri A.B.R. Government Degree College
Repalle, Guntur dist.
Title: Parisodhakuduga Gurajada (Nov,2005)
Published in Telugulo tolitharam parisodhakulu”
(jathiya sadassu pathralu) by Dept of Telugu,
University of Hyderabad.
Toli Telugu Kathalu – Gurajada Aantharyam (2009)
Published in Telugu Kathaanikalu – Vibhinna Drikpathalu”
by Jyothsna Kalaapeetham, Hyd
Title: Gurajada Asampurna Rachana Pranaalikalu
Vaangmayi Journal of Telugu Studies (Quarterly)
Apr-Jun 2008 Vol-IX, No.2
4. Title: Aadhunika telugu naatakarangampai Gurajaada Mudra
Published in Telugu Saanghikanaatakaalu – Saamaajika chaitanyam by JMJ College, Tenali, inFeb 2013
5. Title: jaanapada vignaana parirakshana –saamaajika saanukula drukpatham
Published in Vyasamanjari (A Study of Telugu Culture in Folklore)
By KVR KVR&MKR College, Khazipalem july 2014.
6. Title: Saahityavimarsalo R.S.Sudarsanamgaari taatvika drushtikonam
Published in Vyaasa Sudha, Suchitra Publication, 2017, ISBN No: 9789383729500
Name : K. Venu Gopal
S.No |
Journal Name |
Title of the Article |
Year/Volume & Page No. |
ISSN/ISBN Number |
Published/ Accepted |
01 |
Reforms in Examination System at Under-Graduate Level” |
ISBN 978-93-82163-91-9 |
July-2013 |
Published |
02 |
Institutional Quality Improvement role of Governance, Leadership & Management |
ISBN 978-81-926819-8-6 |
Aug-2014 |
Published |
03 |
Contemporary Trends in Practices of Marketing |
ISBN 978-81-928453-2-6 |
Oct-2014 |
Published |
04 |
Recent Trends in Commerce |
ISBN 978-93-82163-97-8 |
Oct-2014 |
Published |
05 |
International Journal of Business Management and Allied Science (IJBMAS) |
ISSN 2349-4638 |
Jan-2015 |
Published |
06 |
Contemporary Research in India |
ISSN 2231-2137 |
Feb-2015 |
Published |
07 |
Trends, Challenges & Innovations in Management |
ISBN 978-81-926819-9-3 |
March-2015 |
Published |
08 |
Mc Stanford Journal of International Journal Management |
MARKETING ISSUES IN HANDLOOM SECTOR (A Comparative Study of selected areas in Andhra Pradesh) |
ISSN 2321-1652 |
May -2014 |
Published |
09 |
Trading and Exchanges in India |
ISBN 978-93-82163-96-1 |
Nov-2014 |
Published |
10 |
Scenario of social sciences in higher education- issues, challenges, and suggestions |
ISBN 978-93-82829-45- |
8th , 9th SEPT-2014 |
Published |
11 |
Prospects of Micro-Finance in India |
Growth and Prospects of Micro-Finance in India |
SBIN0015248 |
Accepted |
Name : Dr. N. Tyaga raju
Designation : Lecturer in Commerce,
Sri A.B.R. Government Degree College, Repalle, Guntur dist
List of International Journal publications: 53 ACADEMIC YEAR 2013-2014
Sl.N0 | Name of the Journal, |
Title of the Paper &Impact Factor |
Month & year |
1 |
International Journal of Management, Marketing and HRD (IJMMHRD) |
Customer Relationship Management |
August |
ISSN:2321—8622, |
2 |
International Journal of Management, Marketing and HRD (IJMMHRD) |
New Dimensions of Talent Management Practices in India” |
October |
ISSN: 2321—8622, Vol-1, Issue-3,Pp-66 -72. |
3 |
International Journal of Psychology And Education (IJPE) |
Impact of Information Technology on Indian Banking Sector” |
November |
ISSN: 2321—8606, |
4 |
International Journal of Management, Marketing and HRD (IJMMHRD) |
Future Strategies of Industrial Relations in Indian Business Scenario” |
November, |
ISSN: 2321—8622, |
5 |
International Journal of Management, Marketing and HRD (IJMMHRD) |
Retail Banking: Emerging Issues, Strategies and Challenges in Indian Scenario” |
December, |
ISSN: 2321—8622, |
6 |
International journal of Research in Management Studies. (IJRMS) |
Water Pollution and its impact on Environment” |
January, |
ISSN:2321-4864, |
7 |
International Journal of Multiplinary sciences and Research (IJMSR) |
Marketing of Hospitality services of selected 3 star & 5 star hotels in Hyderabad-With reference to Marketing Mix Component of Pricing Mix” |
ISSN: 2321—4872,
8 |
International Journal of Psychology&Education(IJPE) |
Non-Farm Sector - Sustainable Rural Development of India” |
March, |
ISSN: 2321—8606, |
9 |
Mc. Stanford Journal of International Management |
Future Prospects of Hospitality Sector in India” |
April, |
ISSN:2321—1652, |
10 |
Asian Pacific Journal of Research(APJR) |
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee |
April, |
ISSN:2320—5504, |
11 |
International Journal of Psychology And Education (IJPE) |
Future Prospects of Indian Hotel Industry in globalization Scenario” |
April, |
ISSN: 2321—8606, |
12 |
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review(IJBARR) |
Marketing of Hospitality services of selected 3 star & 5 star hotels in Hyderabad-With reference of Marketing Mix Component of Physical Distribution Mix” |
(April-June) |
13 |
International Journal of Psychology And Education (IJPE) |
Progress and Emerging Challenges of Tourism Industry in India” |
May, |
ISSN: 2321—8606, |
Sl.N0 |
Name of the Journal |
Title of the Paper |
Month & year |
14 |
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review (IJBARR) |
A Study on Customer Satisfaction” in selected sample 3 star&5 star hotels-A comparative Study” |
(April-june), |
E-ISSN:2347-856X, |
15 |
Mc.Stanford Journal of International Management |
Marketing of Hospitality services of selected 3 star & 5 star hotels in Hyderabad-With reference to Marketing Mix Component of Product Mix” |
May, |
ISSN: 2321—1652,Vol-I, Issue-13, Pp-29 – 38 |
16 |
Asian Pacific Journal of Research(APJR),Bommanahalli, Bangalore-560068 |
Customer Satisfaction with Selected sample 3 star and 5 star Hotels- analysis’” |
July, |
ISSN:2320—5504, |
17 |
International journal of management and social science research review ( IJMSRR) |
Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction on hospitality services in selected 3 star and 5 star hotels of Hyderabad”- A study |
AUG, |
E-ISSN:2349-6746, |
18 |
Asian Pacific Journal of Research(APJR)
Opinion survey of Customer Satisfaction on hospitality services of star hotels: A Comparative study of 3 star and 5 star hotels” |
November, |
ISSN:2320—5504 Online-E-2347-4793,Vol: I,, |
19 |
International journal of Management research and review(IJMRR) Society of Scientific Research and Education(SSRE),India. |
‘Recent trends of information Technology (IT) on Indian Banking Sector” |
November,2014. |
ISSN:2249—7196, |
20 |
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review (IJBARR) |
Status of Indian Hotel Industry In a Globalisation Scenario” |
December--February, |
E-ISSN:2347-856X, |
21 |
International Multiplinary E- journal |
Indian hotel industry-Future Prospects and Challenges in india, (SJIF) |
March, |
ISSN:2277—4262, |
22 |
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review (IJBARR) |
Talent Management Practices –Emerging trends & Challenges in India” IMPACT FACTOR - . 314 |
Jan-March, |
E-ISSN:2347-856X, |
23 |
Asian Pacific Journal of Research (APJR),
Financing of Agricultural sector by National Bank for Agriculture &Rural Devolopment(NABARD)” |
March, |
ISSN:2320—5504, |
24 |
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review (IJBARR) |
Future strategies &Challenges of Industrial Relations in India” |
Jan--March, |
E-ISSN:2347-856X, |
25 |
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review, (IJMDRR) |
Tourism Industry-A tool for Economic development of India”
April |
ISSN:2395—1885 |
26 |
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review, IJMDRR |
Progress and prospects of Small Scale Sector of India” |
May,2015 |
ISSN:2395—1885 |
27 |
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review (IJBARR) |
Prospects of Iindustrial Estates programmes in india |
April-June,2015 |
E-ISSN:2347-856X, |
28 |
International Journal of Psychology And Education (IJPE) |
Role of National Bank for Agriculture &Rural Devolopment(NABARD) for promoting Agricultural financing in India” |
June, |
ISSN: 2321—8606, |
29 |
Industrial Estates programmes in Andhra Pradesh—An analysis |
June,- 2015 |
E- ISSN - 2349-6746 |
30 |
A study on impact of Micro Finance on Rural Devolopment |
July - 2015 |
E- ISSN - 2349-6746 |
31 |
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review,( IJMDRR) |
Globalization and its impact on Small Scale sector in India |
July - 2015 |
E- ISSN –2395-1885 |
32 |
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review(IJBARR) |
Women entrepreneurship devolopment” in India - problems and prospects |
April-June |
E- ISSN -2347-856X |
33 |
Impact of micro finance on rural devolopment through Self-Help Groups |
July - 2015 |
E- ISSN - 2349-6746 |
34 |
International Journal of Psychology And Education(IJPE)Westwind Publishing House,Mumbai,Maharashtra |
Micro finance — a curtain raiser to strengthen Rural india |
Juiy, |
ISSN: 2321—8606, |
35 |
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review(IJBARR) |
Effectiveness of Training & Devolopment at Infogeosoft”(India) Private Limited,Hyderabad-A Study |
July-Sep,2015 |
E- ISSN -2347-856X |
36 |
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme(MGNREGS) in India”-An overview. |
October,- 2015 |
E- ISSN - 2349-6746 |
37 |
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review(IJBARR) |
Human Resource Devolopment Practices in India |
Ocober-December, |
E- ISSN -2347-856X |
38 |
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review,IJMDRRNo.51, Easwar Enclave Off,Bannaraghatta Road , |
Need for Environmental Education for Sustainable Devolopment |
January, |
E- ISSN – 2395-1885 |
39 |
Need for Environmental Education for Sustainable Devolopment |
January, |
E- ISSN - 2349-6746 |
40 |
Human Resource Devolopment:Exploring New Dimensions-Text-book |
Emerging trends & Challenges of Talent Management Practices in India” |
March,2016 |
ISBN:978-93-85100-543 |
41 |
" International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development(IJMRD) |
"Prospects and emerging challenges of tourism industry in India |
April,2016. |
E- ISSN - 2349-4182,Print ISSN -2349-5979, |
42 |
International Research Journal of Management,IT AND Sciences (IRJMIS)
Water Pollution and Its Impact on Environment of Society |
May,2016 |
Vol.3, Issue.5,. Pp..172—176
43 |
International Journal of Current Advanced Research |
Impact of Information Technology(IT) On the Banking Sector |
July,2016 |
ISSN -2319-6505 |
44 |
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research (IJRSR) |
New challenges of Retail Banking Practices In India SJIF- IMPACT FACTOR - 2015-5.971 |
August,2016 |
ISSN -0976-3031 |
45 |
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research (IJRSR) |
September,2016 |
ISSN -0976-3031 |
46 |
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review(IJBARR) |
A Study on Attitude of Teachers on punishment of Middle school Students IMPACT FACTOR - 3.853 |
July-September |
E- ISSN -2347-856X |
47 |
Innovative Trends &Global Advancements in Technology,Industry,Banking &Finance published by PND Publishers, Vijayawada,AP |
Impact of Imformation Technology on Banking Sector in Globalisation Scenario |
Conducted by PR(A)Government Degree College,Kakinada, East Godavari Dist,AP. |
ISSN-ISBN-13 :978-1537638065(ISBN-10 :1537638068) |
48 |
Innovative Trends &Global Advancements in Technology,Industry,Banking &Finance published by PND Publishers, Vijayawada,AP |
Role of Imformation Technology In Banking System |
Conducted by PR(A)Government Degree College,Kakinada, East Godavari Dist,AP. |
ISSN-ISBN-13 :978-1537638065(ISBN-10 :1537638068) |
Name : B. Ashok
Designation : Lecturer in Physics,
Sri A.B.R. Government Degree College
Repalle, Guntur dist
K. Shadk Alcc, M. Bala Murali Krishna, B. Ashok, D. Narayana Rao Experimental verification of enhanced electromagnetic field intensities at the photonic stop band edge of 3D polystyrene photonic crystals using Z-scan technique. Journal of Photonics and nanostructures Fundamentals and applications, vol 10, 2012.
Journal Publications
Comparison of edge detection techniques for brain MRI images A.V. Kavitha, Madhulika.Y, Siddhardha Kumar.M - International Journal of Computer Science, Information Technology & Security , vol 5, issue 3,. ISSN: 2249-9555 .
Waves of IOT in higher education” A.V.Kavitha, K.Bhagya lakshmi - International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) vol 3, issue 12,ISSN: 2349-2763.
Extraction of precious metals from e-waste” A.V. Kavitha - Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences vol 974, ISSN: 0974-2115.
IOT for agriculture and allied areas” A.V.Kavitha – International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology Volume 4, Special Issue 21, August 2017 ISSN: 2394-3777.
Application of ICT in Chemistry Dr. K. Bhagya Lakshmi and Smt. A.V. Kavitha – International journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research” Volume 5, issue 12(8), December 2016, ISSN : 2277-7881.
Application of geospatial technologies in interlinking of rivers” an article published in a book JEEVA NADULU ISBN : 978-93-85132-10-0 published by Vaagdevi Publishers, Hyderabad.
Roots of youth violence A.V. Kavitha and Dr. k. Bhagya lakshmi - International journal of Education for 21st century”, Vol 3, Spl issue : 1, March 2016. ISSN: 2349-5774.
Online learning – Scenario of future education Smt. A.V. Kavitha - Classrooms of the Future: Interplay of Educational Psychology and Technology” Published by Jayam Publications, Hyderabad. ISBN:978-93-85108-13-6