About SEP

Student Exchange Program is one of the unique activities recommended by University Grants Commission as part of reforms in higher education policy. In this program the students studying in various programs in two or more colleges will be selectively swapped. The purpose of the activity is to enrich the academic excellence among higher educational institutions to benefit the student community by exposing them to diverse intellectual capabilities and competencies of the faculty and also sharing of the infrastructure facilities in the process of learning.


▪ To create awareness about higher education among the intermediate students
▪ To enable the students to understand the importance of English at higher level of education
▪ To expose the students to diversified intellectual capabilities of the faculty in various disciplines
▪ To facilitate qualitative teaching and learning for the development of the students
▪ To enable the students to gain diversified skills to enhance their knowledge in their domain areas
▪ To access various e-learning resources available in their respective colleges to improve their knowledge

SEP Reports

Academic Year 2021-2022

S.No Name of the Programme Period of SEP Students Exchanged From Students Exchanged To No of Participants Report
1 II B.Sc 03-01-2022
Sri ABR GDC, Repalle SNBT Degree College for Women, Repalle 18 Click Here
SNBT Degree College for Women, Repalle Sri ABR GDC, Repalle 21
2 II B.Com 03-01-2022
Sri ABR GDC, Repalle SNBT Degree College for Women, Repalle 16 Click Here
SNBT Degree College for Women, Repalle Sri ABR GDC, Repalle 17
3 II B.Sc 15-02-2022
Sri ABR GDC, Repalle Government Degree College for Women, Bapatla 10 Click Here
4 III BA 16-03-2022
Sri ABR GDC, Repalle SVRM College, Nagaram 15 Click Here
5 1st Inter MPC and BiPC 22-03-2022
Government Junior College, Repalle Sri ABR GDC, Repalle 19 Click Here
S.No Name Designation & Department Position
01 Smt. K.M.S. Sailaja Rani Lecturer in Computer Science Convener
02 Dr.K.Bhasakar Rao Lecturer in Economics Member
03 Sri. K.Samuel Lecturer in English Member
04 M. Syam Yadidya I B.Com (CA) Student Member
05 K. Bhumika II BA (HEP) Student Member
Procedure for Lodging Complaint

1. In order to meet the grievances of stakeholders a suggestion/complaint box has been mounted near to Principal’s Chamber.
2. Any stakeholder can drop the complaint in written in the box to enhance the quality of academic, administrative areas.
3. The students may contact the committee members or their class teachers to give grievances orally or in written.
4. The girl students may contact Women Empowerment cell to disclose their grievances orally or in written with consultation of grievance and redressal cell. Women Empowerment cell tries to resolve the issues lodged.

Procedure to Resolve the Grievances

1. The committee members convene a meeting to discuss or judge the severity and genuinity of the case.
2. Committee conducts an investigative enquiry about pros and cons of the grievance and submits its report along with the recommendations to the principal of the college.
3. After thorough discussion with the committee the principal takes further action in accordance with severity of the grievance.
4. Action taken against the grievance will be circulated to every class and pasted on the notice board.