About Value Education Cell

Motto: Value Education can improve the moral standards of the Human behavior in the society which thereby leads to the welfare of Humanity.

Sri ABR Government Degree College, Repalle has initiated and established Value Education cell to motivate the Students on Moral values to adopt in their lives. Value education refers to transmission of values, usually from older generation to younger generation. Value education is required by all irrespective of age, sex and social position. Value education concentrates on topics such as happiness, love, equality, humility, peace, simplicity, cooperation, honesty, unity, etc. It is taught informally in all social situations and is formally included in schools and colleges for children and young adults. Education without values leads to wrong results. Students must be guided to practice right living during the period of their education. Living in the Society with good relations leads to mutual happiness. Value-based education can contribute to the development of a human society. The Cell will contribute the best through Value Education to the society.


• To develop students personality in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects.
• To practice right living and right understanding during the period of education.
• To inculcate good manners, responsible and cooperative citizenship.
• To develop tolerance to understand the different religious faiths.
• To develop sense of brotherhood at social, national and international levels.
• To help students to have faith in themselves and in some supernatural power that, is supposed to control this universe and human life.
• To enable students to make decisions on the basis of sound moral principles
• To develop respect for the dignity of individual and society.
• To inculcate the spirit of patriotism and national integration.
• To develop the democratic way of thinking and living.

S.No Name Designation & Department Position
01 Dr. P. Ananda Rao Lecturer in English Convener
02 Sri. K. Samuel Lecturer in English Member
03 Sri. M. Bhimaiah Lecturer in Telugu Member
VEC Actitivities

Apart from regular class teaching the value education cell conducts activities like
1. To share students real life value based experiences
2. To conduct role plays of moral stories and incidents from various sources.
3. To arrange guest lecturers to improve ethics and moral values of the students.